Rivertown Riders 1st Anniversary Ride

Rivertown Riders 1st Anniversary Ride

AR-15 Raffle!!!! Get yours now only $1.00 donation per ticket! The riffle will be given away May 5th. Don’t have to be present to win so you can send us a message and we can take your payment over the phone or Facebook (Message: Rivertown Riders RC on Facebook)

**All Laws Apply***     **You can contact any member or send a message**

$10/Bike $5/Passenger $15/Car KSU from Whisky Beach Bar & Grill at NOON. 

Details on Ride: We will ride to Jays @ Little River. Next we will head on into Conway for a stop off at Rascals Cafe. We will head back to Whisky Beach Bar & Grill where will draw for the AR-15. All funds donated will go to supply local kids with much needed back to school supplies. All Bikes and cars welcome!

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