5 Things to do on Bye Week

As a football fan, bye week is tough. The toughest week of the season, arguably. Especially when you live in South Carolina and USC and Clemson both have bye weeks. There's nothing to do. But here are a few things.

  1. Enjoy Fall weather. Ed Piotrowski says that there's a cold front, so there's a cold front. Enjoy not sweating through your shirt just walking from your front door to your car.
  2. Watch other games. Wait, other teams play football? Apparently. But they won't be as good as your team, ever.
  3. Be with family. Normally I'm with mine at Clemson, but hanging out with them at home is cool too, I guess.
  4. Wash your gameday clothes. You know that lucky pair of socks? Go ahead and get them washed for next week.
  5. Rewatch last week's game. I mean, you might as well, right?

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